Criminal Law

Our American justice system has a time-honored and valuable legal principle that provides that anyone charged with a crime is presumed innocent. We treasure that concept and feel fortunate that we have the right and obligation to ensure that the presumption of innocence, along with our nation’s Bill of Rights and other important legal principles, will lead to a fair proceeding for those persons charged with a crime.

If you are charged with a crime, we invite you to meet with one of our attorneys who can review the charge and provide options for properly defending you. The information you provide is confidential and we promise to protect that confidentiality. After we review the charge and make the original assessment, we will discuss an initial fee for our representation. The amount of the fee will obviously depend on the seriousness of the charge, the estimated time to be spent on the case, and the anticipated expenses for mounting an effective and vigorous defense.

Contact Our Firm Today

We invite you to contact our office for a no-obligation assessment of your criminal proceeding.