6 reasons that couples decide to divorce

When you are going through divorce, you may be concerned about what other people think. The problem is that there are usually several reasons why people get divorced and most intuitions from the outside are usually wrong.

If you are divorcing, you may also be wondering if what you are going through is a common cause for divorce. You may be surprised to learn the reasons why many couples decide to end their marriages. Below are some of the most common reasons why divorce papers are filed.


Not just a lack of money, but the constant worrying about money can cause on-going tension. With marriage comes mortgages, kids, vacations and bills.

Many couples who are interested in ending their marriages may be reluctant to do so to prevent the expense of filing for divorce.

Your age and desire for a new experience

Our society is very connected. You can use social media and the internet to keep you in touch with friends and family all over the world. You can also take cars, planes and trains to whisk you there quickly. For someone who was married in their early twenties, they can constantly see a different life for themselves when a marriage becomes stale and they are still young.

This can also be true for older couples who feel like they do not want to miss out on a life they once dreamed of.

Not the same anymore

Many people think of marriage as a beginning to a new life. That is because they are still working on careers, a home life, creating a family and completing an education. After a few years when much of that comes into focus, they may not feel that their partner is fitting in with the journey they have now found themselves on.


While some couples can work through a cheating spouse, it typically means there are larger problems in the marriage.

Alcohol or drugs

Both alcohol and drug-use can put a strain on relationships that often reaches a breaking point.

Unable to agree

If both persons are unable to agree on where to live, if they should have children, how to spend the money or even what movie to watch on the weekend, it can soon become clear that they are not with the right person.

If any of these situations sound familiar, just know that you are not alone. There can be many reasons for divorce and you do not have to meet certain qualifications to file for divorce. If you are sure you want to end your marriage, speak with a divorce attorneywho can answer your questions and provide you with knowledgeable guidance.