How might a DUI affect your ability to work?
People sometimes consider they are too busy to contest a DUI charge, or it is not worth their time. Yet, a DUI conviction could limit your ability to work.
A first-time DUI offense could see you lose your right to drive for a year. Further violations could extend the ban. If you do not need your car to commute to work, losing your license for a while might not seem a big issue. Yet what if you lose this job? You would be unable to consider out-of-town jobs that need a car to get there, limiting your options.
If you work as a commercial driver, you would, of course, be unable to continue without a license. Even when the ban passes, firms may ignore your applications because of the DUI on your record. Remember that commercial drivers are subject to a lower blood alcohol limit.
Commercial drivers are not the only ones a DUI could affect
Even if you walk to work and your job does not involve driving, a DUI conviction could hurt you. Many jobs require a professional license. The licensing bodies want members to uphold standards and might consider a drunk driving charge as a violation of those standards. Here are some jobs a DUI could affect:
● Teachers: School and parents expect those who teach their children to impart values as well as facts. They may consider driving under the influence as failing to meet those values.
● Medical professionals: You may need to report a conviction to your licensing board. They will then decide what action, if any, to take.
● Pilots or train drivers: They may consider if you drink and drive out of work, you could also do the same with passengers at work.
If the police stop you and charge you with a DUI, it is crucial to seek help to investigate your defense options. Failing to contest a charge could have consequences that far outweigh the time and effort needed to do so.